

So that in the cold season in the new house it is cozy and warm, you need to pay attention to various aspects. But many people think that it is enough to purchase high-quality insulation and set up the heating system. As practice shows, these actions are not enough.

You will need to correctly select and install a vapor barrier and waterproofing films. Vapor-barrier and hydro-barrier films protect the roof insulation and the house from the negative effects of excess moisture. These two types of film material can accelerate the release of vapors to the outside and provide support for all thermal insulation functions.

Waterproofing film, most often purchased for roofs covered with slate, tiles, or metal roofing. Micro perforation of the film hydro-barrier provides a higher vapor permeability when compared with a vapor barrier film. Construction films and membranes reliably protect the roofing from excess moisture in the form of snow, rain, condensation, etc.

Vapor barrier films are recommended to be used for any type of roof and any roofing material. After all, the main task of these films is to protect the thermal insulation layer from water vapor that occurs inside the premises (cooking in the kitchen, washing in the bathroom, taking a shower, etc.). Such steam rises to the ceiling of the building and, without the use of special vapor barrier materials, can gradually destroy important thermal insulation.

Today's range of roofing films and membranes is quite wide and varied in the price range. But all products of the segment are divided into the following types:

polypropylene films

polyethylene materials

superdiffusion membranes