

Any repair is not complete without such an important component as construction chemicals. These mixtures and solutions help to make repairs more reliable, durable, and of high quality. All types of these products allow the repairmen to facilitate the work with certain finishing materials, to create an impeccable interior design that will last a long time. Products are most often involved in primary surface treatment: before applying a certain substance or material, as well as in further finishing work.

What types of construction chemicals are presented on our website? It:

  • repair mixtures (for repairing cracks, irregularities, cavities, caverns, and other local defects);
  • adhesive mixtures (to improve adhesion to any type of surface – concrete, wood, reinforced concrete, etc.);
  • polyurethane foam;
  • putties (used in preliminary leveling of walls);
  • self-leveling floors (leveling the floor before laying carpet, linoleum, laminate, parquet);
  • plasters (insulation, thermal insulation of walls and ceilings, leveling of surfaces);
  • primers (connecting layer between the mineral base and the finish);
  • waterproofing (for creating moisture-resistant surfaces, sealing joints);
  • grouting for tiles (used when laying slabs for filling voids, joining building materials).

All these types of construction chemicals are presented in the required quantity on our resource. Only world-famous brands and leading manufacturers.

Sealants, varnishes – all these are building materials that are widely represented in our online store. Also, any surface – wood, plastic, plasterboard, panel, stone, or concrete – will serve for a long time and reliably with the widest line of construction chemicals. The latter exists to strengthen, connect and complete the renovation.